Working together
to benefit today’s
students for
future employment.
About P20
The P-20 Central Texas Regional Council supports the State’s mission of increasing the participation and success of all Texans in career and college readiness.
The P-20 Central Texas Regional Council was formed in 2008 to serve the students in the Central Texas College and Temple College service areas. After completing a strategic plan, the Council received recognition status from the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board in 2009.
The P-20 Central Texas Regional Council is committed to increase success rates from pre-kindergarten through college, with a particular focus on low-income and minority students. The Council works collaboratively to foster an integrated education system, while addressing such issues as college readiness standards, teacher education, educational and school to work resource development.
The P-20 Central Texas Regional Council
- Coordinates efforts between educational groups, workforce development, communities, and businesses in order to promote the development of a college culture
- Focuses on the State’s new Career and College Readiness Standards
- Coordinate and strengthens academic programming and support services among public and higher education
- Facilitates cooperation between education, community, and business to enhance educational and professional development opportunities for all citizens

Frequently Asked Questions
In the early to mid-1990’s, the Central Texas University Task Force (CTUTF) was developed to explore ways to bring a 4-year state-supported institution of higher education to Central Texas. In the early 2000’s the CTUTF formed the Partners in Education (PIE) subcommittee. PIE’s initial goals were to encourage Tarleton-CT to develop 2+2 programs with area community colleges, develop marketing literature to promote the 2+2 programs, encourage Tarleton to develop seamless pathways to bachelor’s degrees, provide a forum for ISD’s and IHE’s to exchange ideas, and to promote that some form of higher education is essential.
PIE evolved into the P-20 Centroplex Regional Council in August 2009 when the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) recognized this group as a Regional P-20 Council. The P-20 Centroplex Regional Council’s stated mission in the application to the THECB was, “…the facilitation and optimization of cooperation between education, community, and business thus enabling the alignment of resources and services, resulting in opportunities for all citizens.” In August 2015, the THECB approved that the P-20 Centroplex Regional Council could change their name to the P-20 Central Texas Regional Council.
P20 Central Texas Regional Council is a school-to-work initiative that builds pathways from education into the workplace to provide a skilled workforce across Central Texas.
- Increase Texas public college enrollment among P20 districts, and
- Increase career readiness among graduates of P20 member institutions
The P-20 Regional Council is a collaboration between education and business partners within the Central Texas College & Temple College service areas and includes:
- Pre K- 12 Educators
- Institutions of Higher Education
- Economic Development Corporations
- Chambers of Commerce
- Community Organizations
- Business and Industry
The Central Texas P20 Regional Council is a school-to-work initiative that builds connections from local public education to the local workforce to contribute a skilled workforce populace across the Central Texas region.
“This is a great opportunity for higher education. School districts and businesses to come together and talk about workforce skills and what the kids need for the future,” said Susan Kincannon Superintendent of Belton Independent School District (ISD). “I am proud to be a part of it.”
“I think as a community college you always improve to look for ways to be involved with students and the workforce,” said Tina Ady, Deputy Chancellor of Central Texas College. “This is a great task that the P20 has to connect communities and opportunities together.”
“It is a powerful collaboration because of the region involved,” said Stephanie O’Banion, Vice-President/Programs Belton Educational Enrichment Foundation. “We have a powerful collaboration and we are focusing that goal of preparing students for college or careers.”
Central Texas P20 Regional Council serves five colleges and 12 counties, 432 ISD’s comprised of 246,322 students are served. Additionally, the P20 serves area employers who are seeking qualified future employees. Those served by P20 get the chance to collaborate with education and business partners within the Central Texas College & Temple College service areas to include: Pre-Kindergarten- 12th-grade educators, institutions of higher learning, Economic Development Corporations, Chambers of Commerce and community organizations. These collaborations and partnerships connect students to college and career readiness.
- Summer Teacher Externships: 20-25 teachers from participating school districts work in local industries each summer. They are paid for the week and receive valuable experience and experience real-world outcomes.
- Central Texas College and Career Expo: Over 100 colleges from across Texas and the United States are available for participating school students to speak with, pick up literature and make initial contact.
- Career Days: Two career days are hosted in East and in West Bell County. Area school districts are encouraged to send students. Local businesses and colleges are present to present information on the identified career clusters.
- P20 Business Symposium: Held each fall, partners participate in a collaborative conference designed to connect business, industry, institutions of higher education and public education.
- Legislative Participation: P20 members provide feedback to local and state representatives on events impacting the workforce and workforce readiness.
- Data Analysis: The P20 analyzes data from across its institutions of higher education and public education to determine needs that can be satisfied by the P20.
- Strategic Alliances: This sub-committee meets quarterly with local businesses to development partnerships, programs, and common language between business, industry, institutions of higher education and public education.
The P20 Council is open to anyone who is interested and meets the first Tuesday of each month, 9:00 AM and the Central Texas Council of Governments at 2180 North Main Street, Belton.
The P20 has working sub-committees including Programs, Strategic Alliances, Legislative, Communications and Logistics.
- Programs: This committee plans and organizes career fairs, the P20 Business Symposium and the College/Career Expo.
- Strategic Alliances: Responsible for developing partners among P20 members, this committee works with local businesses, chambers, and economic development corporations.
- Legislative: The Legislative Committee acts as the liaison between local and state representatives and the mission of the P20.
- Communications: This committee has oversight over all printed, social and electronic communications.
- Logistics: This group is tasked with disaggregating data from local public schools and institutions of higher education for the purpose of grant writing and solicitation of funds.
Public schools are charged $100 per UIL classification i.e. 3A school districts pay $300.
Institutions of higher education pay —-.
Recently approved, chambers and economic development corporations will be a small fee to participate.
With the goal of expanding business participation, any businesses may come in to the P20 under the sponsorship of a local chamber or economic development corporation.